Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why had I been walking all flimsy these past few days...

I guess you can never really call a building sturdy unless you see it swaying in the course of an earthquake, can you?


Call it stupidity, I accidentally knocked my left foot against a concrete cement (looked debris to me), the stuff they put in parking lots, painted black and yellow at times.

Instantly, the pain was insurmountable (and yeah, I usually reserve that word for something huge). The minute I got home and took a close look into it, my big toe, and I mean big toe, just got bigger, most people would call it swollen.

I'm never good at describing so just click below if you want to see the pic.

Disclaimer: You wouldn't want to see this!!!


They say, you'll never know a man's character until you walk a few miles in his shoes...and try mine, with a broken toe!


introvertpsych said...

haha... kaderder nga... hehe...

Paking said...

d nmn..mejo lng..lolz